What Is Sunderland Music City?
Sunderland Music City aims to establish our city as a globally recognised music hub, with a focus on ensuring that people from diverse backgrounds have the opportunity to make, learn, record, rehearse, promote, perform and listen to great music.
By developing and supporting all who are involved in music and who love music in Sunderland, we can help the city and the region thrive through job creation, talent development, economic and artistic growth, tourism development, reputation and brand building.
Sunderland Music City is not just about the music community, it also will impact education, business, voluntary bodies, and the community at large covering all musical genres, all ages and everyone who wants to play, sing, or listen.
Our Goals
Sunderland is a city with a proud tradition of music and musicians. Sunderland Music City wants everyone on Wearside to have more exposure to music. Music has so many cultural and social benefits. It makes us feel good. It encourages us to learn new skills. It is good for our mental health. It exposes us to different cultures. It helps us understand our history and heritage. Sunderland residents – from musicians to promoters, hospitality workers to teachers - can make a living from it. Music drives tourism and encourages people to stay longer, thus spending more money in our city and our businesses.
We aim to further develop Sunderland as a Music City, bringing together musicians, audiences and venues to help change people’s cultural experience in the city and the region, drive cultural expectations, aspirations, and ambition and to make it a place where talent wants to study, live and thrive. And in doing so change Sunderland as a place, making it more vibrant and creative and (using a Beatles’ phrase) recognised for music ‘Here, There and Everywhere.
What We'll Do Next
Establish our Music Office based at The Fire Station ✔
The establishment of our city's own Music Office creates an initial point of contact between musicians, people involved in the music industry, and official and institutional bodies within the city, providing support and enabling connections between those within the industry, the cultural sector, and the wider city.
Appoint Our Music Officers ✔
We’re delighted to have appointed Marty Longstaff and Frankie Francis as our new Sunderland Music City Music Officers.
Frankie will be responsible for developing Sunderland’s relationship with the UK’s national music industry, and with organisations such as Sunderland City Council, the North East Combined Authority, the Department of Culture, Media and Sport and Arts Council England. He will help develop a series of gigs, concerts, and events, building on what is already a growing musical programme in the city.
Marty Longstaff is a singer, songwriter, musician, and qualified teacher from Sunderland. Marty will focus on talent development, working with citywide educational organisations and national programmes to develop new and emerging talent on Wearside. Marty is dedicated to helping the city’s emerging and established musicians achieve their aims, and for them to be an inspiration to the next generation.
Conduct an Audit of Musical Activity Within the City ✔
Undertaken by our Music Officers, Frankie Francis and Marty Longstaff, this will paint a comprehensive picture of the local music industry. We will map Sunderland’s current music provision, reviewing and understanding what is needed for music in the City to thrive.
Appoint a Music Advisory Group ✔
We have established a Music City Advisory Group, drawn from key stakeholders in the music industry and broader music sector at all levels and from all music genres in the city. The group supports and oversees the work of the Music Office to develop and plan initiatives and help with their delivery by using the Board members’ expertise and networks.
Develop the Sunderland Music City Strategy ✔
Produced by the Music City Office in conjunction with stakeholders and agreed by the Music City Advisory Board, our Music City Strategy will communicate our policies, initiatives and the measurable outcomes we hope to achieve.
Join the Music Cities Network in 2025 ✔
We joined the Music Cities Network in January 2025, becoming only the second city in the UK in the group following Manchester.
The Music Cities Network, founded in 2016 by Hamburg Music Business Association (IMH) and consultancy Sound Diplomacy, currently includes member cities Aarhus, Bergen, Berlin, Gothenburg, Groningen, Hamburg, Manchester, Nantes, Reykjavik, and Sydney. The Music Cities Network encourages cooperation between member cities to enhance artist, business, and city development through the growth of the music sector.
The Music Cities Network focuses on joint project development, shaping music policies through collaborative research, networking, knowledge exchange and mutual support and advice. It is part of an increasingly influential group of places that put music at the heart of their plans for development.
Celebrate Our City With The Sunderland Year Of Music 2025-2026
Starting on 21st June 2025, the Sunderland Year of Music will celebrate our musical heritage and complement the incredible calendar of music already in place. More details to come.
Deliver Our Five-Year Plan For Sunderland
The Sunderland Music Strategy (2025-2030) is a comprehensive plan that aims to propel the growth and prosperity of Sunderland’s music scene.
It strategically focuses on critical areas of development and emphasises music’s role in driving economic, social, and cultural progress. By aligning Sunderland with other leading ‘Music Cities’ globally, the strategy seeks to harness music’s impact in enhancing citizens’ lives and fostering vibrant, prosperous communities.
World Music Day
On June 21st 2024 - World Music Day - we launched Sunderland Music City Roots, a showcase of new and emerging talent in Sunderland and the wider North East community. Our 2024 show featured Jodie Nicholson, Lottie Willis, Celadore, Ruby Kelly, Fabz, Mcxxne and Red Remedy.
Music Against Child Poverty LIVE
Our annual charity fundraiser to support children living in poverty in Sunderland. In 2024 the generous people of Sunderland raised £51,955 for Love, Amelia. Our 2024 show brought together Paul Smith, members of The Futureheads and Field Music as well as a host of amazing talent from grassroots venues and beyond. Stay tuned for 2025.
A Sunderland Music, Arts and Culture Trust Initiative
Recognising the pronounced disparity between Sunderland and other cities where investment in cultural and creative buildings and cultural organisations has seen creative employment and business growth levels steadily increase, the Music, Arts and Culture (MAC) Trust was established in 2013. It is a philanthropic, business-led charity, and its mission is to drive regeneration and change in the city.